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Gabriele Bagnati

Gabriele Bagnati

Gabriele Bagnati was born in Milan in 2002 and grew up in the city of Venice. Both of his parents and all of his siblings are professional musicians and Gabriele grew up with music all around him. In such an inspiring surrounding it came naturally to him to start playing the piano by the age of 4. He already entered the conservatory of music in Venice studying his instrument by the age of 7 and graduated in 2021. He has won a number of Italian piano competitions such as the «Crescere in Musica» in 2013, the «Alberto Giol» in 2017, 2018 and 2020, the «Lia Tortora International Piano Competition» in 2018 or the «J.S. Bach National Piano Competition» in 2019.

He was awarded at the National Competition «Premio Venezia» at Teatro La fenice.

During the Covid pandemic and isolated in his parents’ house he started sharing short videos on TikTok. In his first post he set the agenda for his TikTok career in proclaiming «let’s see if TikTok likes classical music». Since then has come up with entertaining video formats to introduce classical music to the TikTok audience and has gained large audience.

Gabriele Bagnati — Concerts